Saturday, April 23, 2011


I'm scared to fall
So I tried to be numb
I'm scared of falling apart once again
Tired of crying
Tired of trying to act brave
Tired of trying to mend the broken pieces of ME
So scared of loving

Now I'm scared
Still scared
Scared of this feeling
Scared of falling deeply once again
But, I am falling,
falling deeply each day
I wonder if you feel it...
I wonder if you feel the same way too...

If you do...
will you catch me?

I wished then I sighed

I've pictured them in my mind
Countless possibilities
I've wished so hard for them.

In my mind
I've kissed you the way I wanted you to kiss me
I smiled and my heart melted...(it was MY heart that melted),
Will you ever smile at me that way?
I hugged you like I would never let go,
Would you ever hug me that way?
I held your hand
and everything just stopped.
Will my heart ever grow tired of wishing for it?

I've dreamed of this moment a million times
In my head I've played it over and over again
My heart wished for it...fervently.
But my mind has its reasons.
And in that moment
my mind said something that my heart couldn't take
And I sighed...
I guess my heart will learn to wait...
But for now,
I'll hold your hand the way I wanted you to hold mine.
I'll put my arms around you and will feel your heart beat.
I'll kiss your lips the way I wanted you to kiss me.
I'll touch your face and I'll smile sweetly.
I'll tell you everything is fine...
(the way my heart longed for you to tell me that everything will always be alright)
I'll tell you I'm here for you, always.
I'll make you smile.
I'll tell you I miss you every minute that we're apart (because I really do)
And still for now...
I'll love you the way that no one else will do
I'll love you the way you wanted me to love you
And most of all,
I will LOVE YOU the way that I wanted you to love me.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


My Heart stopped beating
For seconds I stared blankly into space
I didn't move
I didn't want to breath
Yet, I need to...

My mind was lost
My mind wandered...
Lingered at the thought of you
But couldn't find the peace that the heart is searching
Tried to find its way back to reality

My mind is still lost...
And so i scream
I silently scream...

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


black black heart

A heart that has once stopped...
A heart that has been crushed...
A heart that has grown cold..
When burned even in the strongest flames (of love),
it would remain cold and unburned...
But, by chance and by choice,
In the right time,
The touch of the right one...
can set it on fire again.

Slowly it starts to beat weakly,
Slowly the ice melts,
Slowly it heals,
pumping stronger by each minute.
The rush of warm love gives it new life...

And you feel it.
The warmth of emotion,
of blood rushing,
filling each dead space,
mending each piece.
No matter how hard you try to fight it,
as it grows stronger each day,
you know there is no turning back

And that's what SCARES me...



I don't want you to hug me when I'm sad, when I'm scared, when I cry...
'Coz when the time will come when our love will fall apart,
I don't want to find myself longing for that hug when I know you wouldn't be there anymore...